Serving Orange County, Los Angeles and Beyond

Medical Video Marketing Agency

At GCC Consulting, we offer high-quality affordable video marketing services for beauty and medical professionals. Our videographers work with you to create a custom script, storyboard, and marketing plan for your video needs.
Our video marketing team will work with you to truly understand your marketing goals and determine the best type of video for your brand. Together, we bring your videos to life and help you use them to grow your business. We are highly experienced and our services include the pre-production, production, and post-production process. We work work with small to mid-size companies and medical practices and offer a customized our approach. We specialize in Amazon video ads, Facebook & Instagram video ads, corporate video, how-to videos and general branded marketing videos for your website and social media channels.

Our Comprehensive Videography Services Include:

  • Creative Concepts
  • Scripting & Voiceover
  • Storyboarding
  • Post-Production editing
  • Studio Rentals
  • Royalty-Free Stock Footage
  • Royalty-Free Music
  • and more…

Our Work | Medical